DRF aims to provide as much support to members as possible. Below are resources that you will find useful if you fall under FCA authorisation for Consumer Credit.

FCA Handbook

FCA’s Video Guides: Consumer Credit

These guides (published December 2015) are probably unnecessary for those DRF members who have interim permission and have already completed their applications for authorisation. However they will be useful for debt solution firms who are making a new application for authorisation.

Further Resources

Fair treatment of customers information page – Find out more about what the FCA expect when it comes to treating customers fairly and how to assess compliance

Client Money and Assets information page – Further information on how to follow the FCA’s client assets rule and how to send them a return about your firms client assets.

How to avoid a complaint about adverts – The ASA provides useful information regarding how to avoid complaints about your adverts.

Unfair Terms – What firms should focus on – Find out more about what firms should be focusing on when it comes to contract terms

Examples of unfair contract terms – FCA provides examples of unfair contract terms for firms to avoid.

DISP Rulebook – This part of the handbook includes the rules on complaint handling.

Now you’re authorised: a webinar for consumer credit firms – Watch this insightful webinar where a penal answers questions from newly authorised consumer credit firms and outlines what they can expect from the supervision process

FCA Resources

Updated on 2015-12-07T12:05:54+00:00, by Lauren Saunders.